Find out what about our Film Workshops


Each year we run workshops to teach some aspect of pocket film making. We have taught participants how to translate their ideas into a story board so they can see what images they need to capture. We have taught the skills of lighting and sound recording so that you can get the best possible result with minimal equipment. (MacGyver has nothing on us when it comes to improvising a light setup!)

One year we held Stop Motion workshops for kids, teaching them how to make a film using an iPad and some plastic toys in a cardboard box. Dinosaurs and sharks were very popular in those classes – stories not for the faint-hearted!

In 2025 we are going to concentrate on the skills needed to record a good interview. It won’t be all sit down and talk like a TV interview – there will be plenty of chances to include interesting footage that tells the story without words. Our plan is to produce some skilled interviewers at the end of the workshops. See the Meet Me project for more details.

We have been very lucky in the past with the support for pocket film making workshops. The Tablelands Regional Council through their Regional Arts Development Fund has supported us to hold workshops every year. Other bodies like Ergon and some local businesses have kicked in to help fund our work, and we have partnered with the Herberton CIA to share the skills you need to turn your story into images.

This year we are seeking support from other funding bodies for our projects and are really excited about the possibilities on offer. If you or someone you know would like to sponsor a workshop, contact us through this website or on the Facebook page.