Find out what about our Meet Me Project


This project is called ‘Meet Me, moving from rural life to aged care’

One of the features of the Atherton Tablelands is that many of us live in remote or rural locations. We like the life and choose these places as our homes. At a time when age makes us move to live somewhere with more support, we often feel a bit lost or cut off from our previous home.

Meet Me is a project to make a short film for people going into aged care, recording the important aspects of their lives, including some footage of their home situation, telling a bit about the work they have done, and including other members of their family or friends who have been significant in their lives.

That short film goes with the person to their aged care home as an introduction to the other staff and residents so that they aren’t just some case notes in a file, but a person with a whole life’s experience behind them. Copies of the film can stay with their family or be played to the person once they are in care to keep them connected to life outside the care home.